Friday, 5 December 2014

Last Day of the City Icons

Tomorrow Saturday 6th December, is the last day of a terrifically successful exhibition: City Icons, at the Jubilee Library, Brighton, UK. Many sales & good reviews. Open 10-5, don't miss it!

Friday, 28 November 2014

That Touches Me

Another Icon in the City Icons show at Jubilee Library, Brighton, still open daily until Dec 7th. Selling well, I hope you can come! Contact me at:

Saturday, 22 November 2014

City Icons Solo Exhibition

iPad Saint - do come along to my solo exhibition of eleven contemporary icons
at The Jubilee Library, Brighton City Centre, BN1 1GE
November 24th - Dec 7th 2014
Open Daily 10 - 5 open access and lovely cafe area

 contact me via email:

Tuesday, 9 September 2014

New Work - City Icon

One of a series of new gilded reliefs for a solo show at the Jubilee Library, Brighton, towards the end of the year.

Friday, 5 September 2014

Art and Soul

The last weekend of Art and Soul at Falmer Village, East Sussex. Mowgli and the Wolf Cub are in the church, many other great works to be seen. Open 6 & 7 Sept. 11-5pm, including duck pond, tea and home made cakes.
Further enquiries email me: suenunnartist@hotmail;.com

Saturday, 30 August 2014

The Praying Monk

The Praying Monk and others have been sold, at the Art and Soul exhibition, Falmer Village South, East Sussex. More works available, open this weekend and next. I shall be there all day tomorrow Sunday 31st, 11-5pm. Do come and visit! or email me

Friday, 22 August 2014

Art and Soul at Falmer opens!

Woman with Tree Antlers  - one of several new carvings to be seen at the Art and Soul exhibition, Falmer South, just outside Brighton, East Sussex, BN1 9PB. Open this weekend, 23/24/25 August, 11-5pm. Come to the opening Sunday 24th 12 - 2 & share a glass of wine! 18 artists in a pastoral setting. Parking, rail and bus links.
 Interested in my work? check my website: for more images and email

Saturday, 12 July 2014

An End at last to War

My installation at the Studio Gallery, Worthing Museum, Sussex. Open 12-26th July, Tues - Sats, 10-5. Part of the SSP Group's 90th Anniversary Exhibition, including a wide variety of quality paintings.

Saturday, 14 June 2014

My women students exhibit at the City Library

                                 The First Supper       and        Women of Vision

A two part exhibition by the notorious Women & Art group that I have been tutoring. In the Jubilee Library, Brighton, open daily from 16th - 28th June. Including a windows-within-windows line of 17 beautiful stained-glass effect works, celebrating the lives of significant women through the ages.

Sunday, 18 May 2014

One More Weekend

The exhibition of contemporary art at St. Laurence Church, Falmer Village South, just outside Brighton, is open Sunday May 18th, and next weekend May 24th and 25th, 11 - 5. The church has a lovely atmosphere and the little village around the duck pond is a tranquil space in a crazy world.

Friday, 25 April 2014

Woodcarvings in the Church

In the Beginning:
a small exhibition of contemporary art and poetry
at: St. Laurence Church, Falmer South, BN1 9PB
on: Saturdays and Sundays  11am - 5pm
from: April 20th - May 25th

I shall be invigilating on Sat. 26th April, 2 - 5, and Sat. 17th May, 2 - 5.
On Sunday May 11th from 3pm I shall be performing some of my poems alongside other poets.
So do come along, and say hello!

Tuesday, 15 April 2014

The Prayer of the Bone

I am excited about this piece I have just completed. It is a piece of twisty elm that was growing in a friend's hedge. Have had it ages. Then I was listening to a reading of T.S.Eliot's Four Quartets on the radio, and the phrase ...."The prayer of the bone on the beach..." caught my imagination. Polished with brywax.

Friday, 4 April 2014

Woman with Tree Antlers

This is a piece of lime wood, which did have three separating branches at the top. I began to find more, which became quite obsessive, but look OK I hope.

Saturday, 11 January 2014

something fishy

Fish Head! An odd little oak and silver carving that came to me just pre Xmas