Friday, 25 April 2014

Woodcarvings in the Church

In the Beginning:
a small exhibition of contemporary art and poetry
at: St. Laurence Church, Falmer South, BN1 9PB
on: Saturdays and Sundays  11am - 5pm
from: April 20th - May 25th

I shall be invigilating on Sat. 26th April, 2 - 5, and Sat. 17th May, 2 - 5.
On Sunday May 11th from 3pm I shall be performing some of my poems alongside other poets.
So do come along, and say hello!

Tuesday, 15 April 2014

The Prayer of the Bone

I am excited about this piece I have just completed. It is a piece of twisty elm that was growing in a friend's hedge. Have had it ages. Then I was listening to a reading of T.S.Eliot's Four Quartets on the radio, and the phrase ...."The prayer of the bone on the beach..." caught my imagination. Polished with brywax.

Friday, 4 April 2014

Woman with Tree Antlers

This is a piece of lime wood, which did have three separating branches at the top. I began to find more, which became quite obsessive, but look OK I hope.